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Social Media

Social Media Profile Investigations

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Social media can provide a timeline of a person’s online activity. With the date and time posted when they tweet; update a status; or add a picture, blog, or message; it can show information that can become useful in a wide array of situations such as; determine an individual’s character, look for signs of illegal or inappropriate behavior, locate a missing or hard to find person, or to prove or disprove an alibi.

Many people use their social media accounts as online diaries of a sort. They share important details of their day with friends, family, and anyone else who visits their profile. While they may think that the information is being reserved for those that are close to them, the information that they put out on the Internet is actually viewed by more people than what may be expected.

Reasons for Social Media Investigations

Need a Private Investigator in Las Vegas?

Social Media investigations are a powerful tool in today’s society and our skilled investigators have stayed on top of this ever-growing trend. Our investigators and research analysts possess the skills and expertise with much more in-depth knowledge than just searching Twitter or Facebook. We greatly expand our searches to include over 65 of the most popular social media networking sites that are being explored throughout the world today.

"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."

Arthur Doyle

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